Cine suntem

Agricin este o afacere de familie, established in 1993, ce se află la a doua generație și, care, also, va fi transmisă mai departe. Este o afacere transmisă din tată în fiu pe baza unei temelii extrem de solide: iubirea, dăruirea și pasiunea față de transformarea materialelor naturale în piese desăvârșite.

In 1993, Domnul Marian Neamțu a creat Agricin. It all started with a workshop, multă pasiune, determinare și măiestrie. Astăzi, Domnul Răzvan Neamțu a ancorat Agricin în era digitală păstrând măiestria și tradiția ca piloni ai businessului.

In prezent, Agricin means mastery in marble processing, granite, travertinului și a altor materiale naturale, some of them having an unique character, pe baza unei infrastructuri digitale de ultimă oră, vârful de lance al tehnologiilor de profil, so that you benefit from perfect pieces.


Craft-polished natural stone has given the world amazing masterpieces.
At Agricin we seek to bring aesthetic value to each project through creativity.
Following the trends in design and architecture, we offer our customers creative solutions.

Involvement. Quality. Tradition.

At Agricin we love our job.
Our involvement translates into dedication to the client, and towards community.
We want to be part of the community and support its sustainable development.

At Agricin, we seek to ensure that every product is delivered to the highest quality standards. We like the job well done.
To achieve these standards we have implemented quality monitoring systems and we seek to bring the best equipment and technologies. We invest in people, we are concerned with their evolution and wellbeing.

Natural stone processing is a traditional craft that has provided mankind over time with constructions and durable objects of heritage value..
At Agricin, we respect tradition, we are inspired by it and seek to protect nature and heritage.

Factory area – 10.000 mp

35 employees

Exhibition and storage spaces - 6.000 mp

Number of customers: over 2000 / an

Profiling capacity – 500 ml / day

Production capacity - 1.000 sqm / month

100% Romanian entrepreneurs