Perfect natural stone products processed in the Agricin Factory

Each space has its own story, that ingredient through which a house becomes a home for a family, a space becomes a core of creation and development for a business, or a space that it becomes the meeting place of people who are connected by the same sincere passion for a subject.

A space is never just a space. And the potential to transform a space is simply infinite.

This is where we interfere, through tradition, mastery and innovation we put in the service of our customers since 1993. Agricin transforms high quality raw material such as marble, granite, travertine, semiprecious materials, and many more, in complex finite type projects tops, steps, sills, unique projects. I've come a long way over two generations, which means a factory today 100% digitized, 100% eco friendly system, which turns challenges and desires into reality, such that your spaces to become perfect thanks to the finished natural stone products or other complex materials.

If you want to give a special note that will last during the house, office building or any other space using the products countertop finishes, patient, steps or library, door, fireplace, and many more, made of natural stone or other complex materials, there are 3 solid arguments for which we recommend that you use an infrastructure provided by a factory:

  1. Advanced know-how

Agricin carries out his activity from 1993, respectively over 25 years, period in which it was permanently connected to the highest standards of the international market and innovated step by step. Our internal standards mean labor and operational flow of processing related to international performance. We are in touch with the information state-of-the-art and the Agricin team is trained at the expert level to accurately carry out each project.

  • 100% personalized

Digital technology offers the chance to challenge sometimes the impossible and to perform complex pieces in an accurate way. we can customize natural stone products in a way that a few years ago for days it would have seemed an illusion: we can include usb sockets and devices lighting directly in kitchen countertops or, why not, we can even include a greenhouse! We challenge your imagination! We turn it into reality!

  • Micro level execution

We optimize the materials and rely on technology so that the processing is extremely fine and refined. Digital technology has a micron accuracy, an extremely fine precision on a micrometric scale that ensures the realization of perfect finished products.

Worktop is an essential element in the kitchen, it is the place in which the most important things happen in this space and even in a house.
But, more than that, the worktop is the one that sets the tone of the room, but also that conveys a certain emotion, to your space.

The importance of the countertop in the decor of a kitchen or work space, consists, in, what kind of material, what finish and what design is chosen for this countertop.

Some trends this year help us to have an overview of what is worn in terms of countertops in interior design.

Quartz countertops are still in the foreground, they being introduced as a sophisticated alternative, top for granite countertops. This natural stone has long dominated the worktop scene, especially in residential spaces whose owners want something sustainable, strong and looking great.

But, the disadvantage of this type of material is that it is porous, which means liquids like water, wine and oils can seep into the surface, causing stains. More than that, encourages the existence of bacteria on the surface of the countertop. This issue, can be, but efficiently, by applying a porous surface sealing solution, at least once a year, turning it into a non-porous one.

On the other hand, quartz is completely non-porous and does not have to go through a sealing process. This means that it is extremely resistant to staining with liquids, being one of the most hygienic worktops.

Added to this is the fact that this material is incredibly durable, which makes it very durable and so we can understand why it is the preferred choice for personal homes, but also for hotel or even medical workspaces.

We can find quartz worktops in many colors and finishes, close even to those of natural rocks, and this trend seems to be a long one.

Quartz is a material obtained by crushing and grinding a 93% stone and 7% synthetic resins and pigments.

The Quartz countertop from INNO CounterTops has the following features:

– durable

– scratch resistant, stains and heat

– moisture resistant and uniform

– maintenance free

– wide range of colors

– glossy finish, matte or textured

Composite quartz countertops have the advantage of an extremely varied color package, thus completing its durability and strength. Not being a natural material (contain 93 % quartz and 7 % resins) it is easier to integrate in different types of arrangements, both for lovers of warm shades, open as well as for those who want intense colors, accent. The color palette respects the uniformity and attracts attention through the appearance of the surface very glossy and uniform. It can also impress by combining it with other types of material, such as wood.